Experience in Automotive and Transportation
Logghe Stamping Company, Inc.
Receiver for the wind-down and liquidation of an automobile parts stamping company.
Car Mart Auto Group, Inc.
Receivership and liquidation of a used car dealership and real estate.
Diversified Transportation Services, Inc.
Receivership and liquidation of an ambulance and hired car company.
Interstate Credit Corp. of Nevada
Receivership of a buy-here/pay-here auto dealer.
Advantage Rent-A-Car
Creditors committee financial advisors for the bankruptcy of a national car rental company.
Mid-City Parking, Inc.
Liquidation trustee for the benefit of unsecured creditors for a city parking lot company.
Manchester, Inc.
Creditors committee financial advisors for the bankruptcy of a buy-here/pay-here subprime auto finance company.
Ocean Container Repair and Maintenance Company
Secured lender consulting services and liquidation analysis for a debtor with $10 million in annual revenues.
Airport Parking Provider
Secured lender consulting services, cash flow and fraud investigation for a parking lot company with $5 million in annual revenues.
Freight Carrier
Secured lender consulting services, liquidation analysis and A/R collections for a $75 million annual revenue trucking company.
Automotive Insulation Manufacturer
Distressed business consulting services for a manufacturing company with $75 million in annual revenues.
International Air Cargo Company
Cash flow preparation and analysis of a $165 million annual revenue cargo airline.
Alternative Services, Inc. and Alternative Properties, Ltd.
Receivership and liquidation of a supplier doing secondary work for automotive industry and holder of occupied and leased real estate.
Receiver for the wind-down and liquidation of an automobile parts stamping company.
Receivership and liquidation of a used car dealership and real estate.
Receivership and liquidation of an ambulance and hired car company.
Receivership of a buy-here/pay-here auto dealer.
Creditors committee financial advisors for the bankruptcy of a national car rental company.
Liquidation trustee for the benefit of unsecured creditors for a city parking lot company.
Creditors committee financial advisors for the bankruptcy of a buy-here/pay-here subprime auto finance company.
Secured lender consulting services and liquidation analysis for a debtor with $10 million in annual revenues.
Secured lender consulting services, cash flow and fraud investigation for a parking lot company with $5 million in annual revenues.
Secured lender consulting services, liquidation analysis and A/R collections for a $75 million annual revenue trucking company.
Distressed business consulting services for a manufacturing company with $75 million in annual revenues.
Cash flow preparation and analysis of a $165 million annual revenue cargo airline.
Receivership and liquidation of a supplier doing secondary work for automotive industry and holder of occupied and leased real estate.